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Scholarship For Students Frustrated With College Admissions

As high school seniors approach graduation, students and parents can finally breathe a sigh of relief. The college admissions process is finally over. Those countless hours spent agonizing over SAT scores, college essays and admissions standards have finally come to an end. But unfortunately, getting accepted to college is only the first battle…figuring out how to pay for it can be even worse. To numb the pain, myUsearch has launched a college scholarship that asks students to tell the story of their excruciating college admissions experience and suggest ways for colleges to make it better.

Last year’s college admissions were reported to be more competitive than ever. The acceptance rates at Yale, Harvard, and Columbia fell below 10 percent for fall 2007 admissions and state schools are becoming much more difficult to get into. This has left many students with shattered dreams and dimmed expectations for the 2008 school year.

“The college admissions process has this smoke and mirrors aspect to it”, says Derek Kraus, founder of myUsearch. “Students have to jump through hoops and they are often left with no idea why they did or did not get in to the college of their choice. By offering this scholarship, we will give students a forum to voice their frustrations with the application process, and hopefully this will start the dialogue needed to convince schools to make some changes.”

This 1000 dollar college scholarship will be open to students starting college in 2008 or 2009 (high school juniors and seniors). The scholarship is financial need based, requiring a household income of less than 100,000 dollars. To apply for this and any other open scholarships, students must complete the myUsearch questionnaire and meet the requirements of the available scholarships.


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